APRIL 2020

Our coffee spot is sheltered by the wall to the north and the house to the west. We meet our grandchildren Sean and Jade at a distance. Their way to the meeting place is via the path on the left.

The side entrance to the garden with Jannie, the head gardener, on the other side of the wall drinking coffee.

Sean and Jade eat hot dogs at a safe distance. They say, "Yummy!"

Sean and Jade have the far wing plus a room on the veranda. The ancient wisteria is in bloom. Jannie is in the distance. Perennial weeds in blue top bins will go on a new compost heap as the council has stopped recycling garden waste.

Looking across the lawn to the south east of the garden and Sean and Jade's area.

Fuschias, honeysuckle, clematis and ceonothus from our coffee spot where we start our walk clockwise around the garden.

A camelia behind hydrangeas in a bed overrun by brambles and ivy.

Yellow floribunda opposite Ceonothus.

Forget-me-not with sumbuco across path.

A free rose - Jannie bought three many years ago.

Deutzia below a lilac tree.

Rhubarb bed.

Bluebells under the Japanese Acer tree with south-east corner behind.

Greenhouse blown over in the winter storms.

Jannie weeding soft fruit bed.

Jannie's shed with snails eaten by toad.

My shed, two compost heaps and summer house on river. Flower bed in foreground overrun by brambles and weeds.

The south-east corner - Sean and Jade can sit here and watch the river.

Sean built the three bay woodshed.

Judas tree from Corfu on south side of walk.

Overgrown pond with Chinese bridge and Japanese Acer behind.

We bought this bush from Westonbirt Arboretum as a cutting many years ago

Azalea bed starting to bloom with pool behind.

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