MAY 2020

Jannie weeding the pond. Japanese Acer in background.

A great tit on the ledge above the Buddha. There’s a nest of great tits behind the roses on the right.

A robin on top of the Buddha mountain. The gladioli in the foreground was moved from the other side of the garden. Others will follow.

Buddha has a shower.

The dragon and the tortoise challenge each other on the Chinese bridge. The Buddha is in the background.

A Judas tree from Corfu. Note the jungle of ivy on the fence to the right. All must be removed or else the trees and shrubs suffer.

I removed the ivy and roses from our neighbour’s fence. The roses were holding our roses up on top of the arbour. They fall!

The brambles in the wheelbarrow are from Jannie’s weeding. Our pile of brambles and ivy will reach 8 foot high.

Jannie weeding in the bramble bed. Few of her flowers survived over the years. Note the artichoke in the background and the fruit cage to the left.

A prize peony survived.

The glass greenhouse replaces the plastic one blown down. Cucumbers and tomatoes are in the pots. The beans and peas are in pots around the bluebell bed. The path leads into the fruit cage.

Whose legs are those on the ladder? I remove the ivy from the plum tree.

The clematis, red rose and the honeysuckle next to our coffee table.

The rock rose.

What animal has made the path between the Cedar of Lebanon and the Japanese Acer? Any ideas, please let me know.

We have flowers in the lawn. And moss too!

And a fox with her cubs. They live under the wisteria.

More wild life. A Canadian geese couple with their eight goslings.

More wild life. Sean and George, his friend from uni, in the punt.

Teatime at high tide.

6.00 am. My favourite time of day, when I start digging.

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